Xp 55
A big fast cruiser that has everything you need to sail in comfort and style
The new Xp 55 from X-Yachts has far more features than I can describe given my word limit. I guess it would be a cliché to say “they have thought of everything” but it seems that is the case. With its 56-foot 6-inch LOA, this new boat from the X-Yachts factory design team is a big, fast cruising boat that would make a very comfortable PHRF racer. As is typical with the X-Yachts line, I find the styling impeccable with one caveat that I’ll explain later.
The D/L of this design is 142.7 putting it on the lighter side of medium. The L/B is 3.52 putting it smack in the middle for beamyness. There is a single, high-aspect-ratio rudder and three draft options: 8 feet 2 inches, 9 feet 5 inches and 10 feet 6 inches. I sort of chuckle when I think about the “shoal-draft” version drawing more than 8 feet. I don’t have a set of hull lines or any drawings that give any definition to the hull form. The interior plan view shows me the beam is carried aft but everyone does that today. No question it’s a sexy looking hull with gentle curvature to the rocker and enough overhang aft to keep the wake clean. Given the overall success of the X-Yacht series I see no reason this should not be a very fast boat.
There are two layouts to choose from, the “standard” and the “optional.” Those guys in marketing are so clever with their names. The main difference is that the standard layout has two heads and the optional layout has three heads.
The forward stateroom accommodations are different also. You can have a centerline double with owner’s head aft or you can have a Pullman-style double aft and the head forward. I’d go for the two-head model with owner’s double on centerline. But if you were chartering it might be nice for each stateroom to have its own head. I would guess that the factory would be happy to do double berths for you in the quarter cabins. As drawn now they are single berths. Everything else in the layout is just perfect. I did notice on the photos of the interior that the big galley fiddles are quite low. I would prefer them higher. Not much else to complain about in this interior.
The Xp 55 comes with either a carbon rig or an alloy rig. For me it would have to be the carbon spar. I do not have any rig dimensions but I’d guess we are looking at a SA/D in the 26 range. They list the displacement as “light displacement” whatever that is. I prefer the actual “boat as used displacement.” It’s a fractional, three-spreader rig with moderate sweep to the spreaders. You have options on how you want to fit out the stem. You can have the short sprit with or without an anchor roller. You can have no sprit and a cover fairing with or without anchor roller. Like I said, the company has thought of everything.

The cockpit is huge with twin wheels. All sail control lines are brought aft under the deck. All hatches are the flush type. This is a very clean deck. There is a door in the transom that folds down to make a swim step and give access to the “toy bin.” The cockpit dining table stows flush in the cockpit sole. The dodger stows hidden in a recess a feature X-Yachts has been using for years. I wish I had a bigger deck plan to study. I’m sure there are features I am missing. But I work with what they sent me.
This is an amazing boat but there is one thing I don’t like. Don’t laugh. They design and build this incredible boat and then they go and stop the bootstripe short of the transom. What’s with that? Saving money on paint? I think not. If I were buying an Xp 55 I’d demand a full bootstripe. I’m sure the factory would say, “What color?”
LOA 56’6”; LWL 48’9”; Beam 15’8”; Draft shoal 8’2”, standard 9’4”, deep 10’6”; Ballast 14,330 lbs.; Displ. 37,038 lbs.; Sail area 1,877 sq. ft.; SA/D 26; D/L 142.7; L/B 3.52; Auxiliary 110-hp; Fuel 123 gal.; Water 159 gal.
Rodgers Yacht Sales
70 Essex St.
Mystic, CT 06355
