SAILING Magazine—it’s “The Big One,” people say. It’s full of beautiful pictures and instructive material on all aspects of sailing. SAILING,
founded in 1966 by an avid Great Lakes sailor, is the sailor’s
magazine. Celebrating its 50th anniversary in 2016, it is the oldest continuously published sailing magazine in the
United States.
SAILING is a national magazine that is set apart
from its competition by its oversize pages and fresh, honest reporting.
The magazine is meant for sailors who, above all else, are interested in
sailing, reading about it and enjoying it through the many pictures
and incisive text.
Although SAILING has a reputation as the big,
beautiful one, once again it is set apart from its peers, by its many
columns on design (from yacht designer Bob Perry), boat tests (largest
boat tests done by U.S. magazines), elaborate monthly departments on
gear and its fast-growing technology, on sailing technique, and on
sailing news, as well as hard-hitting expressions of opinion by
Publisher Bill Schanen and columnists Chris Caswell and Nick Hayes.
This is the sailor’s magazine. Each issue brings you a wealth of information from every corner of the sport.