Ventura 2300
Trailerability is the key to this motorsailer
Here is a trailerable pocket cruiser that is built in Ventura, California, and designed by Heraldo Ruesch. It’s a lot of boat in 23 feet and has been designed to perform both under sail and with a large outboard motor. It’s a type that has gained some popularity.
The hull is designed to provide the biggest reasonable box for the accommodations without killing the performance. There is a chine and the hull shape is a bit of a hybrid sailboat/motor boat shape.

The D/L including the 660 pounds of water ballast is 115. If I go with the “power configuration” meaning no water ballast, the D/L is 90. The L/B is 2.78. Fixed ballast is 220 pounds and there is another 110 pounds of ballast in the centerboard. Twin rudders leave room for the large outboard. Draft with the board down is 4 feet 6 inches and board up is 11 inches.
The layout is interesting and uses arcs to define the geometry of the components. It looks good on the mini drawing I was given, but there is only so much I can see at that scale. There is an athwartships double berth tucked under the forward end of the cockpit. There is a very small head to port. Remember, if you do not have 22 inches from the edge of toilet bowl to door you cannot sit down and close the door. Next time you fly take your tape measure into the plane’s head.
To starboard is another arc that I think is a settee, and another to port. The drop-leaf table hinges off the daggerboard trunk. Forward to starboard is a small galley. There is a double V-berth forward but the toe end comes to a point. It would work for kids. There’s only so much you can do in a boat this size. The designer has tried hard to make this work in an appealing manner.
I like the look of this boat. It’s a bit stubby, but that is what you get with an LOA of 23 feet. The styling is well done and the cockpit looks roomy. The SA/D is 20. I’ll keep my eyes peeled for one of these boats. I’d like to see one in person.
LOA 23’; LWL 22’6”; Beam 8’3”; Draft board down 4’6”, board up 11”; Displ. 2,350 lb.; Ballast 960 lb.; Sail area 280 sq. ft.; S/AD 20; D/L 115; L/B 2.78; Auxiliary 50-hp outboard; Fuel 22 gal.; Water 22 gal.
Our best estimate of the sailaway price $67,495
Ventura Sport Boats
Oxnard, CA