Home / Articles / by Erin L. Schanen
For the love of a boat
2025 March 13 - 12:00 am

A young couple falls in love with the soul of their bluewater cruiser and prepares for adventure

Chris and Marissa Neely may be young boat owners, but the love the 20-somethings have for their old boat is rooted in its old soul.  The couple found their boat, a 1979 Cheoy Lee 41 sloop in 201
For the love of a boat
2025 March 1 - 12:00 am

A Hinckley Pilot 35 yawl turns out to be the perfect boat at the perfect time

Moon Dancer wasn’t a name that Rob and Kristin Browne chose for their Hinckley Pilot 35 yawl, but it turned out to be entirely appropriate, and like many things about the boat, it seemed meant to be
For the love of a boat
2024 September 1 - 12:00 am

For this owner she’s not just a boat, she’s a soulmate

Like a lot of sailors, Jon Neely loves his boat, but for him the feeling runs even deeper. “Prism is my boat soulmate,” he said. “I don’t look at other boats because I don’t have to.” Pr
For the love of a boat
2024 June 1 - 12:00 am

The owners of this Baltic 39 have loved the sturdy racer-cruiser for 46 years and counting

You really can have it all, at least in a sailboat. And Mac Madenwald and Wendy Gray have found it. Their Baltic 39 can hold its own in the Anacortes, Washington, racing fleet and or serve as the per
2024 April 1 - 12:00 am

A return trip to the British Virgin Islands designed to maximizing sailing miles is a panacea for a group of northern sailors

We were sailing on a reach, a stiff 25-knot trade wind filling our sails and kicking up whitecaps across the teal water. Behind us, the dark form of islands rising from the water slowly retreated and,
2024 January 1 - 12:00 am
When the Denis Sullivan, a 137-foot replica of a 19th century three-masted Great Lakes schooner, left its Milwaukee, Wisconsin, home in 2022, the board of Discovery World museum, which owned it, made
For the love of a boat
2023 October 1 - 12:00 am

Schooner fever leads a sailor to a boat he can’t help but love

Some boats just get under your skin and won’t shake you from their grasp.  That’s how Ed Manzano feels about schooners. He owned a 22-foot gaff-headed schooner from 1987 until he donated it
2023 July 1 - 12:00 am

Swapping out a wheel is a quick job that may require a little ingenuity

Sometimes a new steering wheel is called for. Changing to a wheel that’s a slightly different size than the existing wheel, or a different design, such as a foldable wheel that allows easy access th
2022 June 1 - 12:00 am

Owners need sailors and sailors need boats; create great sailing relationships that last

Sailing is haunted by a problem that, on its face, seems very easy to solve. Many owners have a hard time finding people to go sailing with them and sailors new to the sport have a hard time finding b
2022 June 1 - 12:00 am

You know how to sail, now learn how to sail better

There are more ways to become a better sailor today than ever before. Sailing schools have zeroed in on sailing aspirations and optimized their programs to help existing sailors make them a reality. A
2022 March 1 - 12:00 am

A return to Key West

Key West racing is back. And this time it’s a little different.Spaceman Spiff, which finished third in the class, cruises downwind.Walter Cooper photoFor 30 years, Key West Race Week was a mecca for
2021 April 1 - 12:00 am

A chartering pro visits the British Virgin Islands to get a firsthand look at how to navigate pandemic protocols. And it turns out it’s pretty easy.

The rugged beauty of The Baths is a popular BVI spot.When chartering is your job, sometimes you have to take one for the team. Such is the life of Josie Tucci, who is the vice president of sales and m
2021 February 9 - 12:00 am

In the most extreme Cup ever sailed, a promising American challenge flops as a small fleet pushes the limits of technology

It was a scene that looked more like a futuristic movie than one from a sailing racecourse. Patriot, the New York Yacht Club’s AC75 challenging for the America’s Cup, bucked out of Auckland’s Ha
2020 January 1 - 12:00 am

Through two restorations, Pearson 36 hull No. 1 keeps finding its way back to sailing families who love the boat and respect its legacy

Sometimes boats and their owners seem meant for each other. And sometimes things align so well that it seems like it must be fate. And everything about Mariah’s story seems fated. Due to a mis
2019 October 1 - 12:00 am

This young Aussie couple is funding living aboard and sailing the world through crowdfunded videos

Most famous sailors have a laundry list of accomplishments and a room full of trophies. Elayna Carausa, 26, and Riley Whitelum, 35, have none of that. What they do have is the largest following of any
2019 September 1 - 12:00 am

Fine-tune your charter to your liking to create the ultimate sailor’s vacation

The charter business was born 50 years ago in the British Virgin Islands with six 35-foot sailboats and a dream by Charlie and Ginny Cary to help people go sailing in one of the best cruising grounds
2019 July 1 - 12:00 am

Hungarian-American sailor Istvan Kopar spent 263 days sailing the Golden Globe Race dealing with broken gear, contaminated water and maybe some bad luck, but battled to place fourth place out of 18 entrants

Istvan Kopar had just returned to his Florida home after spending nearly 263 days sailing around the world in the Golden Globe Race and he was facing his toughest challenge yet: returning to life on lSchedule
2019 June 1 - 12:00 am

Genevieve Evans didn’t set out to own two sailing schools more than 3,000 miles apart, but now her students and instructors find places to learn year round

It’s not uncommon for committed sailors to decide to share their love of the sport by teaching others to sail. But it is remarkable for a sailor to jump into sailing education by founding two school

Perry on Design

  • This rugged pilothouse cutter can handle the rough stuff in comfort

  • This small oceangoing cruiser can be built by DIY builders

  • This cruiser has plenty of options for comfortable family cruising
