2009 December 1
In stark contrast to the Rogers 82-footer is this traditional looking beauty from the office of Stephens, Waring and White in Brooklin, Maine. The boat was recently launched at the Brooklin Boat Yard. You can see that the clients of both the Rogers boat and this 90-foot yawl wanted essentially the same thing, a big, fast and beautiful boat. But their individual images of exactly what that boat would be are very different.

If you are a lover of overhangs, sweeping sheerlines and tiny heart-shaped transoms you will like this boat. The D/L is 263 and the L/B is 4.68. The DWL is short at 63 feet, 5 inches, and the angle of entry is broad at 22 degrees. There are 15 degrees of deadrise amidships and it stays pretty constant to the transom. There is tumblehome to the topsides. Draft is 9 feet and the keel is a long, low-aspect-ratio fin. There is a bit of hollow in the counter aft to help add some complexity to the shape of the transom.
This is a very interesting interior layout. The lazarette and fo'c'sle are both huge and will stow a lot of gear and toys for extended cruising. Maybe it's more accurate to say the lazarette is long because with that short DWL and high counter there is really not a lot of volume aft. The raised pilothouse with its large nav station and settees will be a great place to gather and it allows for a very roomy machinery space below. The owner's quarters are aft and look very comfortable with the boat's only double berth, a large head and big shower stall. There are two more staterooms up in the bow with single berths for the owner's two teenage daughters and a single berth in the passageway alongside the machinery space. I think the primary dining space will be in the pilothouse but there is another small dinette to starboard of the seating area in the saloon. The galley is really big and has a door into a small stateroom to port that I am going to assume is for the chef. My take on this layout is that it was designed for a family of four with some professional crew and for that purpose it should work exceptionally well.
You don't see many yawls today but this small mizzen has some advantages with the mizzen boom available to help get gear on and off the boat. Of course the yawl rig also looks right at place on this hull. The SA/D is 20.8. The spars are carbon fiber from Southern Spars. The staysail is self-tacking and quite small, leaving a big gap between it and the yankee jib so that tacking will be trouble-free. A 27-function hydraulic system will handle all sail controls-and I mean ALL sail controls, including reefing.
The deck is beautifully designed with very traditional shapes and details. The side decks are very broad and there is a lot of clear deck space. Note the small "half-butterfly" hatches on each side of the pilothouse. These will let light into the area below the pilothouse. The helmsman will sit on the forward edge of the aft cabintrunk. It's a raised and exposed steering position offering good visibility forward. If the weather is not ideal you can seer from the pilothouse with your joystick. The stern pulpit is pulled well forward just aft of the mizzen mast. This clears up the deck at the stern for handling the dinghy.
Bequia was built in cold-molded wood. The keel is a composite GRP piece that incorporates a large fuel tank. The auxiliary is a 330-horsepower Cummins QSB5.9.
I have a feeling all heads will turn when this yacht enters the harbor.
LOA 90'7"; LWL 63'5"; Beam 19'4"; Draft 9'; Displacement 135,000 lbs.; Ballast 42,500 lbs.; Sail area 3,424 sq. ft.; SA/D 20.8; D/L 236; L/B 4.68; Auxiliary Cummins Q5B5.9 350-hp; Fuel 700 gals.; Water 320 gals.
Designer: Stephens, Waring & White Yacht Design, P.O Box 143, Brooklin, ME 04616, (207) 359-2594,
OBE: $8.5 million
Our Best Estimate of the sailaway price

If you are a lover of overhangs, sweeping sheerlines and tiny heart-shaped transoms you will like this boat. The D/L is 263 and the L/B is 4.68. The DWL is short at 63 feet, 5 inches, and the angle of entry is broad at 22 degrees. There are 15 degrees of deadrise amidships and it stays pretty constant to the transom. There is tumblehome to the topsides. Draft is 9 feet and the keel is a long, low-aspect-ratio fin. There is a bit of hollow in the counter aft to help add some complexity to the shape of the transom.
This is a very interesting interior layout. The lazarette and fo'c'sle are both huge and will stow a lot of gear and toys for extended cruising. Maybe it's more accurate to say the lazarette is long because with that short DWL and high counter there is really not a lot of volume aft. The raised pilothouse with its large nav station and settees will be a great place to gather and it allows for a very roomy machinery space below. The owner's quarters are aft and look very comfortable with the boat's only double berth, a large head and big shower stall. There are two more staterooms up in the bow with single berths for the owner's two teenage daughters and a single berth in the passageway alongside the machinery space. I think the primary dining space will be in the pilothouse but there is another small dinette to starboard of the seating area in the saloon. The galley is really big and has a door into a small stateroom to port that I am going to assume is for the chef. My take on this layout is that it was designed for a family of four with some professional crew and for that purpose it should work exceptionally well.
You don't see many yawls today but this small mizzen has some advantages with the mizzen boom available to help get gear on and off the boat. Of course the yawl rig also looks right at place on this hull. The SA/D is 20.8. The spars are carbon fiber from Southern Spars. The staysail is self-tacking and quite small, leaving a big gap between it and the yankee jib so that tacking will be trouble-free. A 27-function hydraulic system will handle all sail controls-and I mean ALL sail controls, including reefing.
The deck is beautifully designed with very traditional shapes and details. The side decks are very broad and there is a lot of clear deck space. Note the small "half-butterfly" hatches on each side of the pilothouse. These will let light into the area below the pilothouse. The helmsman will sit on the forward edge of the aft cabintrunk. It's a raised and exposed steering position offering good visibility forward. If the weather is not ideal you can seer from the pilothouse with your joystick. The stern pulpit is pulled well forward just aft of the mizzen mast. This clears up the deck at the stern for handling the dinghy.
Bequia was built in cold-molded wood. The keel is a composite GRP piece that incorporates a large fuel tank. The auxiliary is a 330-horsepower Cummins QSB5.9.
I have a feeling all heads will turn when this yacht enters the harbor.
LOA 90'7"; LWL 63'5"; Beam 19'4"; Draft 9'; Displacement 135,000 lbs.; Ballast 42,500 lbs.; Sail area 3,424 sq. ft.; SA/D 20.8; D/L 236; L/B 4.68; Auxiliary Cummins Q5B5.9 350-hp; Fuel 700 gals.; Water 320 gals.
Designer: Stephens, Waring & White Yacht Design, P.O Box 143, Brooklin, ME 04616, (207) 359-2594,
OBE: $8.5 million
Our Best Estimate of the sailaway price