Electric furler

Selden’s new push-button furler has the great advantage of being easily retrofittable on existing Selden Furlex furlers. The Furlex Electric uses a 48-volt electric motor that, by using the included converter, can work off a boat’s 12- or 24-volt power system. High torque that uses 10 to 25 amps at normal load means the genoa can be unfurled in about half a minute. It also includes a current limiter to prevent accidental overloading, such as attempting to furl before releasing the sheet. An emergency line-driver system is included in case of a power failure. The Furlex Electric can be mounted on both above deck or belowdeck furlers. Furlex Electric, $4,000-$5,000 for retrofits, $7,000-$8,000 for new installations (for approximately a 40-foot boat), www.seldenmast.com