Home / Articles / by Chris Caswell
2020 September 1 - 12:00 am

No need to look farther than your own back yard

How do you scratch the adventure sailing itch when air travel is challenging and a worldwide pandemic restricts entry to some countries? To paraphrase Dorothy Gale, you don’t need to look any farthe
2018 April 1 - 12:00 am

A charter through the Greek islands reveals ancient history and Mediterranean beauty

I was sprawled in our cockpit in a quiet cove among the Greek Islands one evening, gazing at the brilliant stars dotting the black sky. Suddenly I wondered if a Greek sailor, perhaps on the verge
On the Wind
2018 March 1 - 12:00 am
We live in a 9-to-5 world, our calendars, computers and appointment books jammed with scribbled must-dos and don’t-forgets, and we have very little time that isn’t scheduled. The very concept of “spare time” has disappeared from our vocabularies. Kids scurry from soccer practice to dance lessons without pause for either kid or parent.
On the Wind
2017 July 1 - 12:00 am
It seems a contradictory statement to make in a magazine issue dedicated to safety, but the fact is this: None of us are getting out of here alive. We all have a “sell-by” date, time and place unknown. It’s up to each of us to make it to that point where, in a grocery store, milk would be taken off the shelf, and perhaps a little longer if we’re careful. But it’s going to depend entirely on your own personal responsibility.
2017 April 1 - 12:00 am

Chris Caswell discovers the delights along Florida’s west coast and Pine Island Sound while trying to stay on the right side of the buoy

It was no dark and stormy night, but the middle of a bright Florida afternoon when I spotted the mystery buoy. It was near our course and I had no idea what it marked, so I brought the engines back to neutral and we drifted while I issued orders. 
On the Wind
2017 March 1 - 12:00 am
Just because I have spent most of my life sailing in warm climates doesn’t preclude me from having huge amounts of fitting out experience. Growing up racing dinghies in Southern California and now sailing toward retirement in Florida only gives me a longer sailing season than much of the country. It doesn’t mean never having to use the words “fitting out.” 

Perry on Design

  • This rugged pilothouse cutter can handle the rough stuff in comfort

  • This small oceangoing cruiser can be built by DIY builders

  • This cruiser has plenty of options for comfortable family cruising
