Shakespeare reflective dock and anchor lines
2014 November 20

The dock and anchor lines are visible for 200 feet
Shakespeare has woven reflective thread into the jacket on double-braid dock lines to make docking in low-light conditions easier. The bright tracers are visible up to 200 feet and contrast against the red, black or blue lines. The line comes in 3/8-inch, 1/2-inch and 5/8-inch diameters, and in lengths up to 25 feet. They come with a reusable storage strap. The nylon-jacketed lines are UV, oil, abrasion and mildew resistant. Shakespeare’s reflective anchor line comes with a spliced thimble, and is available in white. The dock lines can also be used as reflective dock railings. The lines cost about $25, depending on size. Visit the Shakespeare website for more information and sizing recommendations.