2023 April 1
Since sailors are now flying, sail trimmers are now biking and cloud computers are now navigating, it seems appropriate to separate today’s sailing myths from reality. Surprise, everything I’ve li
2023 April 1
The SailGP professional racing circuit’s 11 stops span the globe, with teams racing on the edge aboard foiling 50-foot catamarans. The final event lands in San Francisco in May. The United States Sa
2023 March 31

Table of Contents

Features  Escape to Love Island The lush hills and pristine anchorages of St. John’s draw charter sailors to this unspoiled gem in the U.S. Virgin Islands Tahiti temptation French
2023 March 1

This modern catboat boasts style and performance

I was 14 years old and beginning to get very interested in yacht design. I have no idea why. Nobody in my family had ever owned a sailboat. I had probably been sailing twice. But with the focus a
2023 March 1

A complex, traditional-looking design suits an experienced owner

You may not be familiar with the name Mark Fitzgerald but if you have followed the design work of Chuck Paine’s office you have seen Mark’s work. Mark has been Chuck’s right-hand man for years a
2023 March 1

John Kretschmer needed his full kit of storm sailing tactics to get through a fraught passage across the famously nasty bay

I first downloaded the American GFS weather model, and it didn’t look good. I tried the ECMWF European model, but it was worse. I even downloaded the German ICON model, but no matter how many w
2023 March 1

Not designed to a specific rule, this racer’s natural speed is winning races

Here’s a new design from Mark Mills in Ireland. The Cape 31, built in South Africa, has been selling very well and as of this printing will probably have at least 50 boats racing all over Europe and
2023 March 1

This foiling 30-footer puts speed into shorthanded racing

I’m proud this month to bring you two reviews of boats designed by two of the many interns I have had in the office over the last 48 years, Mark Mills and Paul Bieker. I have had interns from all ov
2023 March 1

Finding issues before they become big problems should be at the top of every boat’s fitting out list

It’s launch day. Are you ready?  Regardless of whether your boat is about to be splashed after a winter layup or if you’re pulling a boat for annual maintenance, there’s a lot to be done t
2023 March 1
Dear Boat Doctor, I keep my boat on a mooring, so it’s usually closed up, and it doesn’t really have any ventilation.  I notice a sour sort of smell whenever I get on board.  It’s not
2023 March 1

This sail can be key to getting downwind fast with a few skills and a bit of practice

For many sailors spinnakers conjure thoughts of mayhem, chaos and shouting. Anxiety reigns over some at the prospect of the windward and leeward marks approaching and the skipper calling for a set or
2023 March 1

Table of Contents

Features  Hove to in the gales of Biscay John Kretschmer uses all his storm tactics on a fraught passageReady to sail Look for little problems that can become big issues before launch day Ste
2023 March 1

The redesign of X-Boat’s most popular performance cruiser has speed for fast passages in a sleek, modern package

The completely redesigned X43 sails off Newport, Rhode Island.Billy Black photo When a boatbuilding company takes on the task of redesigning its most popular model, it probably has a good idea of what
2023 January 1

Thinking differently is the key to getting the most out of more hulls

A sailboat is a sailboat, right? In general, the answer is yes, but if you’re looking to maximize performance and sailing pleasure the differences between monohulls and multihulls, make a big d

Perry on Design

  • This rugged pilothouse cutter can handle the rough stuff in comfort

  • This small oceangoing cruiser can be built by DIY builders

  • This cruiser has plenty of options for comfortable family cruising
