2015 April 1
From the bird's eye view, the Dufour 350 looks like a race boat, with the beam carried far aft. That trickle-down feature from racers to cruisers has been a boon to sailboat designers because it increases the interior volume, allowing for more cruising gear and features inside the boat and more space in the cockpit. Dufour's designer, Felci Yacht Design, made full use of the extra space in the 350, a 34-foot, 9/10th fractionally rigged cruiser. This boat is loaded. 
2015 April 1

The latest midsized racer-cruiser from J/Boats offers exhilarating performance in a family-friendly package

I have been fortunate to sail most models in the J/Boat family and I confess, I like them all. The new J/88 is an ideal blend of what makes the J/Boat brand so enduring. 
2015 April 1

Paying attention, asking questions sets the stage for a smooth and successful charter

Few things can seem more inconvenient that the briefing all bareboat charters start with. You may be anxious to get off the dock and set sail, but the briefing is no time to let your mind wander. Pay attention, ask the right questions and you'll be on your way with crucial information in no time. 
2015 April 1

Aiming to be fast in IRC and ORR, this Tripp design also brings good looks to the table

Most of us have looked across the harbor at an incoming boat at some time and said, "Yup, must be Hinckley." The signs were hard to mistake. There were beautifully sculpted teak toerails and magnificent, big stainless steel bow fittings lapping down the stem. And there was the hull defined by graceful overhangs that gave the boat an ageless beauty, what I think of as the epitome of the American yacht. 
2015 April 1

A blend of design elements makes this cruiser handsome and fast

Alain Mortain and Yannis Mavrikos designed this new 44- foot model, produced by Privilege Marine, and I liked this design the moment I saw it. I find all the proportions pleasing to my eye. The aim of the design is a fast cruising boat with a nice balance of speed and comfort. 
2015 April 1
The politics of international amateur athletic competition are so inscrutable and Byzantine they make professional sports look wholesome in comparison. Professional sports are driven by the simple and pure imperative of an entertainment business–to make money. International amateur sports are driven by a mysterious something else. Whatever it is, it's not pure or simple, judging from the bizarre decisions issued by the ruling authorities. 
2015 April 1
Dear Boat Doctor, The teak decks on my boat are failing. I love them but they are washboarded and thin enough in places that the caulking is just falling out. I need to do something about them but I am not quite sure what. What are my options? 
2015 March 3

Thanks to an innovative acoustic signaling system, blind sailors are able to race by themselves, giving them back the independence they lost along with their sight

Kris Scheppe met his crewmates for the world championship regatta just days before the three men would compete against some of the best sailors in the world. Scheppe, Scott Ford and Jim Kerr had only
2015 March 3
Nathaniel Bowditch didn’t look like Hollywood’s version of a swashbuckling sailor, but his contributions to maritime navigation more than 200 years ago made it possible to traverse oceans with greater speed and accuracy. And the mathematician’s hard-earned accomplishments haven’t been forgotten. The National Sailing Hall of Fame in Annapolis, Maryland, included Bowditch in its 2014 class of eight inductees during a September ceremony at the Detroit Yacht Club in Detroit, Michigan.
2015 March 2

A cruising couple found a higher purpose and aims to change the lives of eastern Caribbean children

When Harriet and Tom Linsky first took off aboard their 28-foot Bristol Channel Cutter for four years of liveaboard cruising, they expected to have a life-changing experience. What they didn't expect was to be deeply moved by the generosity of indigenous communities despite a profound lack of basic necessities. And while they knew they would go cruising again someday, they certainly didn't expect they'd be doing it with a fledgling not-forprofit organization in tow. 
2015 March 1

Don’t let a little drip turn into a gusher; fixing hatches isn’t as hard as you think

The time will come when you need to give your deck hatches some attention. Those little drips when it rains or when you have a deck washer passage are your first clues. 
2015 March 1

This hard topped daysailer has a sweet, sweeping sheer and an easy-to-sail rig

I  live in the Pacific Northwest, and do everything in the rain, and  it does not bother me. The sun bothers me. When I saw this  new design from my buddy Paul Waring and his partner Robert  Stephens I thought, "Perfect! I can get out of the sun." 
2015 March 1

Domination of the IRC fleet is the goal for this no-compromise racer

One of the fun things about reviewing a Mark Mills design is that I get to Skype Mark and chat with him for an hour. Mark was not shy about explaining the details of his latest work to me. In this case, it's his exciting new 38-foot 9-inch IRC racer now being built in Turkey at the Gurit yard.
2015 March 1

Interior volume and a great layout define this family cruiser

My Danish friend Tom came up with the "bloated tennis shoe" description for some kinds of yacht styling. He recently described a boat to me as looking like "the box the boat came in." 
2015 March 1
Sweden's Arcona Yachts built its reputation with durable, no-nonsense boats. The Arcona 380 is a 37-foot, nine-tenths fractional rig, bluewater boat designed as a successor to the venerable Arcona 400.
2015 March 1
Dear Boat Doctor,  I was looking around my bilge and saw that the seacock on my shower drain looked odd. I grabbed it and the threaded portion of the through-hull broke off! 
2015 March 1

I don’t need fancy statistics to tell me that, using my group of friends from the 1960s as an example, kids who have fun sailing stay in sailing. We learned self-reliance, decision making and skills that have served us for a lifetime. It was fun.

 As a kid, I had a conversation with my mother almost every weekend after I departed in the morning, not to return until dinner time.  
2015 March 1

Some sailors still cruise the old-fashioned way, of course, on their own boats, making long passages, sojourning for as long as the spirit moves them in those waters of sailors’ dreams.

If there is a more wonderful invention for sailors than bareboat chartering, I haven't heard of it.  When I experienced it the first time, it seemed too good to be true. 
2015 February 3

Has the polar vortex frozen your home sailing waters solid? Thaw out your flip-flops and get away to SAILING Magazine’s Top 10 places to go sailing now

Without question, the No. 1 pick for a winter getaway is the BVI. With its rowdy sailing in the Drake Passage to the many anchorages in this Caribbean island chain, the BVI has more to offer cruisers. 
2015 February 3
Nemo’s $100 Puffin blanket is designed for outdoor use, and it might be perfect for cool nights at anchor. It’s filled with Stratofiber insulation that stays warm when damp and ripstop nylon shell

Perry on Design

  • This high-powered, high-tech cruising trimaran has speed to burn

  • A daysailer with a vintage vibe will turn heads in every anchorage

  • This folding trimaran for fun cruising offers plenty of options
