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2016 May 1

The country’s top sailing instructors share what makes a good teacher and how to get the most out of a sailing school

For many would-be sailors, their first sailing experience will come in a formal learning environment with an instructor guiding them through it. Sailing instructors are ambassadors of the sport and may be one of the most important factors in whether someone becomes a lifelong sailor or returns to their landlubber roots. It’s a tall order for instructors, who take the responsibility seriously. Every year, thousands of sailors take a class to learn new skills or improve and expand their sailing knowledge, but how do you know you’re getting the most out of a learning experience?
2016 May 1

Four 20-somethings entrusted with bringing a donated boat back to a stateside sailing program turned a delivery into a race of a lifetime and a quest to test their sailing mettle

 Come back alive, and bring the boat back alive.” Over and over those words played through Hobie Ponting’s head as he boarded a plane to England. He and his team had set off to Hamble, England, to take delivery of a Class 40 sailboat that had been donated to Oakcliff Sailing. The plan was to return to the States via the inaugural Royal Ocean Racing Club Transatlantic Race, departing from the Canary Islands and finishing in Grenada. None of them had ever sailed a Class 40. None of the crew had ever crossed an ocean.  None of them knew what awaited them other than 7,000 miles of ocean sailing.
2016 April 25

The new sharing economy comes to sailing would-be sailors into owners through boat-sharing clubs

 For many sailors, the dream of boat ownership is always present. But making it a reality means overcoming the big fear: the terrifying possibility that you could plunk down a fair amount of mone
2016 April 15

Skip Novak has been exploring Tierra del Fuego for 30 years, and a cruise with his Pelagic Expeditions through this unspoiled wilderness, into fjords and even around Cape Horn, makes for an unforgettable sailing experience

Cruise the beautiful Beagle Channel, including possibly sail around Cape Horn, with Skip Novak's Pelagic Expeditions.
2016 April 1

The Tobago Cays are a bit of heaven on Earth, where sea turtles and cruisers play in the warm Caribbean water

 The Tobago Cays are a divine cluster of isles in the Grenadines, in the southeastern Caribbean. But their out-of-the-way location can make this piece of heaven a bit hellish to get to. Roughly 30 nautical miles south of St. Vincent and 30 nautical miles north of Grenada, a visit requires a bluewater sail through the passes between the Windward Islands.
2016 March 1

A boat’s delivery to its new home becomes an unforgettable passage when the boat’s acclaimed designer, Nigel Irens, comes along for the ride

Twenty years ago, I was working at the office of Classic Boat magazine when I got a call to review a boat on the River Dart. It was the latest design by that doyen of modern multihull design Nigel Irens, best known as the designer of ENZA, Ellen MacArthur’s record-breaking B&Q and several Gunboat multihulls. 
2016 March 1

Whether your boat has enjoyed a winter off or it’s time to take on some annual chores, our guide to fitting out will make sure your boat is ready for a great year of sailing

Whether your boat has enjoyed a winter off or it’s time to take on some annual chores, our guide to fitting out will make sure your boat is ready for a great year of sailing
2016 March 1

Practical purists are sailing the world engine-free and finding a list of reasons why cruising sans iron genny is the way to go

When a cruising tale starts with the words, “We had no engine and ... ,” it usually means a disaster story is about to follow. Most sailors get a knot in their stomach at the thought of losing an engine while trying to anchor somewhere new, entering a busy harbor at night or attempting to dock their boat. Those are the panic-inducing moments that we prepare for but secretly hope never happen. There are some sailors though who go through these scenarios on purpose. Sailing without an engine is not a new idea, but it’s one that is catching on slowly but surely with long-term cruisers all around the world. 
2016 January 1

We offer sailing experiences to do now that will tide over restless sailors until the season starts

But never fear; we’ve assembled a list of sailing experiences you can enjoy right now, all of which will help tide you over until it’s time to pull the sails out of storage and kick off the season. 
2016 January 1

Knowing the ins and outs of a transit through the Panama Canal can make all the difference

Transiting the Panama Canal is a rite of passage that packs a lot into a 50-mile journey. Whether crossing from the Atlantic to the Pacific or vice versa, cruisers celebrate their arrival in Central America by taking this short cut that recently celebrated the 100th anniversary of the opening of a channel cut through mountain and jungle in an engineering feat for its time.
2016 January 1

Lake Ontario’s Thousand Islands in the St. Lawrence Seaway are teeming with local color and sublime cruising

 The winds were off the starboard stern at around 15 knots, steady and warm on a sunny July afternoon, blowing up Lake Ontario out of the southwest. The water was flat in spite of the long fetch, protected by Amherst and Wolfe islands off Kingston, Ontario, where the Great Lake flows into the St. Lawrence River, starting its 650-nautical-mile journey to the sea. We were bound for the Thousand Islands, a world-class cruising ground with a wealth of anchorages and a multitude of delights. 
2015 November 24

The advent of production boatbuilding changed the face of dual-purpose sailboats, a concept that waxes and wanes but endures today

The cruiser-racer fleet grew in the 1908s and 1990s and the boats of that era continue to cruise and race successfully today.Erik Simonson photoYou still see them at local marinas and at popular dista
2015 November 20

The 50th anniversary of the E-scow class Blue Ship Regatta brings the biggest names in sailing to Wisconsin's Pewaukee Lake

Maybe it had something to do with the bounty of food and drink served. Maybe it was the chill in the early autumn air or something in the green-tinted lake water. Whatever the cause, Blue Chip Fever struck Pewaukee, Wisconsin, in late September.
2015 November 19

Our picks for everyone on your holiday shopping list

Our editors choose the best sailorly gifts to give and get this season.
2015 October 22

The recreated French frigate L'Hermione drew crowds on a U.S. tour with a bit of je ne sais quoi

T. Craig Ligibel When the Marquis de Lafayette arrived in America aboard the French frigate L’Hermione in 1780, he brought the good news that the French were sending troops and material to help
2015 October 22
 Although, our family sailed on Pelagic, our 54-footer built specifically for high-latitude expedition sailing, in the channels of Tierra del Fuego in 2008, sailing to Antarctica for an extended cruise over the long Christmas holiday was the opportunity for my daughter Lara and son Luca to finally realize why Dad goes south every year. 
2015 October 22

When your father is around-the-world racer and high-latitude cruiser Skip Novak, it's no surprise that a cruise to the Antarctica is a family vacation, and 11-year-old Lara Novak chronicles the Christmastime journey

The Novak family knows how to cruise, as they prove with a holiday trip to Antarctica aboard Pelagic to study penguins, bash through brash ice and just have a good time. 
2015 September 22

A charter cruise along Florida's pristine Emerald Coast offers up the perfect opportunity to catch a concert and the casual vibe

 We’ve been to plenty of concerts but never by sailboat, so when our friends in Florida called to ask if we wanted to join them to see the Dave Matthews Band via boat, we grabbed our bags and headed for the airport. 
2015 September 22

Named after the heroine of his most famous book, E.B. White's 18-foot K. Aage Nielsen daysailer comes home to his family for a loving restoration

 In the winter of 1956-1957, my grandfather commissioned a small sailing craft and named her for the young girl in Charlotte’s Web. He had been dreaming about small boats for some time and the popularity of his second children’s book made the project possible. He had owned other boats, including, a 30-foot double-ended cutter called Astrid, but Fern would be the first boat built for him. 

Perry on Design

  • Carrying on the tradition of Nautor Swan, this cruiser takes a modern twist

  • This cruiser has plenty of options for comfortable family cruising

  • A svelte cruising cat that has performance front and center
