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2015 August 26

The Baltic ARC cruising rally takes sailors from Germany to Russia’s St. Petersburg for high-latitude sailing during the long days of summer

It was hazy, hot and the air was still and the seas were calm; certainly not the conditions we were expecting as we motored down the narrow channel toward the northern city of St. Petersburg on the eastern edge of the Baltic that so many of us had traveled so far to visit. But the uncharacteristically warm and sunny weather was only the first salvo of what proved to be a barrage of sensory overload that no reasonable expectations could live up to.
2015 August 17

A collaboration among designer Bob Perry, owner Kim Bottles and the Northwest School of Wooden Boat Building results in a one-of-kind 62-foot double-ender

 Francis Lee was named in honor of a father’s boating lineage, but everyone knows her as Sliver. To the dockside crowd of sailors who reveled in the champagne-soaked launching, Sliver was celebrated as a hometown wonder designed and built in the Pacific Northwest. The wood composite 62-foot double-ender was designed by Bob Perry and built at Northwest School of Wooden Boat Building.
2015 August 17

SAILING's editors roundup the best new boats you'll see at boat shows this year

SAILING's editors round up some of the best new boats you'll see at boat shows this fall. Click through to see them all. 
2015 July 1

The A-Cat development class is on a collective quest to sail the fastest boats against great friends

The crash may not have been heard by all the competitors as the two A-Class catamarans collided at the windward mark on the first day of racing, but by the time the boats hit the beach, every sailor in the fleet was ready to help repair the damage.It’s clear to even a casual observer that there’s something special about the people in the singlehanded A-Cat class. During a break in the action at the class’s North American Championship in Panama City, Florida, the St. Andrews Bay Yacht Club lawn was crowded with sailors helping patch up the boats damaged in the collision earlier in the day. 
2015 July 1

A catamaran proves to be the perfect party platform for a reunion of college pals on a charter cruise through the Abacos

Careers and years have a way of tugging friends apart. So photographer Bob Grieser’s 29-year-old godson Sean, who had a landmark birthday looming, resolved to gather his pals from all corners of the continent for a tropical vacation. The trip would launch from Grand Abaco Island, one of the Bahamas’ 700 islands and cays that sprawl across 80,000 square miles of the Atlantic Ocean.
2015 June 19

Whales, totems and Alaskan wildlife abound on a cruise through the vast wilderness of Prince of Wales island

Most people are familiar with the three largest islands claimed by the United States—Hawaii, Puerto Rico and Kodiak. In fourth place is Prince of Wales Island, located on the south end of Alaska’s inside passage, and I am grateful for the relative anonymity of this remote Alaskan Island. 
2015 June 1

Performance and style are hallmarks in boats sized to make getting on the water easier than ever

Melges 14 This singlehander was designed Reichel Pugh Yacht Design, the same firm that designed the Melges 32 and Melges 24. 
2015 June 1

Thriving one-design classes have found the right formula to keep sailing flourishing

It’s been a tough decade for sailing. Between 2004 and 2014, one-design class participation declined 12%, and according to US Sailing, this is reflective of the sport as a whole. One-time and would-be sailors are still reeling from the recent recession’s economic aftershocks, and they’re experiencing dwindling amounts of free time while facing an exploding number of options for the limited time that’s left. Longtime sailors have left the sport, youth sailors stop after college and newbies are staying on land.
2015 April 30

Encourage even hesitant sailors to jump on board by improving their sailing skills in the most beautiful places on Earth

 Keeping both partners happy when one finds a new passion is an age-old dilemma; even Penelope stayed home in Troy when Ulysses sailed off. So often, one partner gets hooked on sailing, but their companion doesn’t; one has a boating background, while the other’s water-based activities are limited to the bath.If you’re having a hard time getting your loved ones into sailing, now might be the time to sweeten the deal. Sailing schools exist in every beautiful corner of the world and who can turn down a learn-to-sail vacation in paradise?
2015 April 30

A pair of 23-year-old friends tackled the Great Loop on a boat a decade older than them with a dog and a cat as their crew. What they found was a profound personal journey filled with wonderful people and inspiring experiences

 On September 4, 2012, best friends Jessie Zevalkink and Katie Smith cast off the docklines in Northport, Michigan, aboard a capable pocket cruiser named Louise. The 23-year-olds had little sailing experience, yet they were determined to tackle one of the continent’s great adventures—the Great Loop.
2015 April 30

Owners of some of the country’s oldest sailing schools say teaching sailing has changed for the better

For half a century, sailing schools have taught people of all ages how to get out on the water. School fleets were often full of aging boats and instructors’ experience could vary dramatically. There was no certification and no universally set standards. We asked some of the owners of the oldest sailing schools in the country what things were like then and what they are like now.
2015 April 15

A Lake Michigan charter cruise visits the nooks and crannies of Grand Traverse Bay

When to reef? Honestly, I wasn't sure. The wind was now up to a solid 13 knots, tickling 15 with every indication of getting stronger. Yet the 35-foot boat with a full-batten, square-top main seemed to be handling everything fine. In fact, as we galloped past Old Mission Light in Grand Traverse Bay, my sister and her daughter, both nonsailors, were below in the galley, happily making grilled cheese sandwiches and tomato soup without a hint of seasickness. Not bad for a sailboat I was originally reluctant to take on a four-day cruise on Lake Michigan. 
2015 April 15

A flotilla charter to the Caribbean islands of the Grenadines is filled with camaraderie and playing pirate

Digging deep into a wooden chest filled with doublets, waistcoats, sashes and breeches I found a tri-cornered hat, complete with beaded dreadlocks dangling from its leather brim. Perfect! Along with my plastic cutlass and scabbard, I was a near-clone of Capt. Jack Sparrow. I sauntered out into the bright sunlight to join my crewmates, scrambling over cannons and up ratlines like scurrilous pirates. St. Vincent and the Grenadines served as the primary filming location for “Pirates of the Caribbean” and a dozen years later, we found ourselves romping through several of the remaining movie sets at the town of Wallilabou, aka “Port Royal” in the popular movie series. It was just one of the many treasures we unearthed on a Sunsail flotilla cruise through the Windward Islands.
2015 April 6
Flotilla sailing offers the benefit of a built-in group of friends, with many practical advantages as well. Daily weather reports, chart briefings and local knowledge, plus knowing a helping hand is not far away can set your mind at ease, whether you’re a novice charterer, or old hand.
2015 March 3

Thanks to an innovative acoustic signaling system, blind sailors are able to race by themselves, giving them back the independence they lost along with their sight

Kris Scheppe met his crewmates for the world championship regatta just days before the three men would compete against some of the best sailors in the world. Scheppe, Scott Ford and Jim Kerr had only
2015 February 3

Has the polar vortex frozen your home sailing waters solid? Thaw out your flip-flops and get away to SAILING Magazine’s Top 10 places to go sailing now

Without question, the No. 1 pick for a winter getaway is the BVI. With its rowdy sailing in the Drake Passage to the many anchorages in this Caribbean island chain, the BVI has more to offer cruisers. 
2015 February 1

It was all hands on deck for an expedition cruise aboard the tall ship Lord Nelson

Never one to pass up an opportunity to climb out of my comfort zone (something to do with a 62-year-old body trapped in the mind of a 25-year-old), I found myself questioning my judgment during the  memorable morning of March 5, when, just west of the South Shetland Islands in the Antarctic, I found myself in a Force 10 northerly, barometer at 971 millibars, getting it right on the nose on our homeward-bound passage to Ushuaia, Argentina.
2014 December 1

Through more than 400 sailors on 80-plus training passages and six ocean crossings, John Kretschmer’s sturdy Quetzal has served her owner admirably. John chronicles the refits he’s made to his beloved boat over the last decade to keep her sailing hard

The boat was stranded ashore in a snowy Maryland boatyard. I remember my first glimpse of the 1985 Kaufman 47 that my daughters and I would soon rename Quetzal like some might recall their wedding nig
2014 November 10

What to buy for the sailors on your list

SAILING Magazine's editors have rounded up some of the best gifts for the sailors on your list this year.
2014 November 10

Fulfilling a lifelong ambition, 55-year-old Dave Rearick set sail aboard an Open 40 to join the elite group of people who have sailed solo around the world

 I sat quietly in the cockpit as Bodacious Dream sailed easily in the dying evening winds, 40 miles out from Point Judith and Beavertail lights. These lights guard the entrance to Narraganse

Perry on Design

  • Carrying on the tradition of Nautor Swan, this cruiser takes a modern twist

  • This cruiser has plenty of options for comfortable family cruising

  • A svelte cruising cat that has performance front and center
