2020 September 1

A cruising couple fall in love with a classic yawl on a charter off the Maine coast

Like most sailors, my husband George and I dream of owning a vintage sailboat with classic lines. Being landlocked in Colorado, we sit around on cold winter nights and scratch out numbers on scraps of
2020 September 1

No need to look farther than your own back yard

How do you scratch the adventure sailing itch when air travel is challenging and a worldwide pandemic restricts entry to some countries? To paraphrase Dorothy Gale, you don’t need to look any farthe
2020 September 1
Dear Boat Doctor, I have had a few close calls with accidental jibes, and I now typically use a preventer when sailing downwind. I just use a spare line and tie the boom down the to rail at the point
2020 August 1

Brion Toss 1951-2020

The news arrived from his family as softly as mist on a cool Northwest morning. “Last night as Venus departed from its intimate planetary visit, our beloved Brion Toss, surrounded by his loving fami
2020 August 1

This new daysailer has performance for all ages

If my buddy calls and invited me for a sail aboard his new daysailer I think I have a pretty good idea what to expect and how to prepare for the day. I’d bring some bottled water, sunscreen, a sandw
2020 August 1

With elan and speed, this luxury daysailer will turn heads

We have two high-performance daysailers to review this month. Both boats are promoted as daysailers, which begs the question: “Exactly what is a daysailer?” Is it a boat you sail during the day? A
2020 August 1

Navigate the complicated waters of insuring your boat amidst hurricanes, fire and other damage

When a big storm pounds across a boat-packed harbor, some sailors shrug off the prospect of serious damage or total loss with words like, “Hey, no worries. My boat is insured.” While that may be
2020 July 1
Dear Boat Doctor, I recently replaced the original standing rigging on my 1968 Islander 34. I wanted to make sure everything was correct, so I confirmed the wire sizes with my own righting moment cal
2020 July 1
Memories of post-race parties run together, but one stands out, not just for the fun being had (fun was definitely had) but for the shocking dockside news that awaited the unknowing fleet. After thre
2020 July 1

This reliable 40-footer shows off the best of its cruiser-racer heritage

The C&C 121 doesn’t resemble the venerable boats designed and built by C&C Yachts from the mid-1960s into the 1980s, but the sleek, 40-foot sloop is every bit as high quality as its predeces
2020 July 1

July/August 2020

FeaturesLittle Boat, Big AdventureA solo sailor cruises his Hobie 16 through the Gulf of Mexico The Cactus Club For more than 60 years, the Arizona Yacht Club has been racing in the desert
2020 July 1

For more than 60 years, an avid group of sailors from the Arizona Yacht Club has been sailing in the Sonoran Desert

Onne van der Wal photoWhen Bob Naylor visited a yacht club on the East Coast and presented his yacht club card that features a cactus on its burgee he was met with a quizzical look. “Is this real?��
2020 June 1

Become a docking master by understanding the mechanics at work in getting a boat in a slip

Even the most competent sailor may bristle at pulling into a tight slip with a strong cross breeze. But understanding the mechanics at play in docking a boat make smooth landings far easier.Sailboats
2020 June 1

Ingenuity and craftsmanship come together to give Catalina’s flagship the ability to cross oceans in comfort

The beefy integral bowsprit features stainless fittings and a Selden roller furling unit.Catalina owners are an enthusiastic bunch, and when they said they were yearning for a big offshore cruiser,
2020 June 1

There’s never been a better time to improve your sailing skills in creative new ways

Shorthanded sailing, whether it be racing, daysailing or cruising is a great way to improve your sailing skills.  Sailors know that their sport is uniquely suited to a time of uncertainty, after
2020 June 1

Table of Contents

Features  Sailing into a pandemic A blissful cruise along in the Sea of Cortez ends abruptly for a cruising family  Putting the fun in fundamentals Women-only conferences are popula
2020 June 1

This expedition schooner has the right stuff for high-latitude sailing

Every month I pester my editor Greta, “Find me something interesting. Find me something I can sink my teeth into.” Well, this month she has outdone herself. Thanks Greta. I think the most fun for

Perry on Design

  • A handsome cruiser has plenty of options

  • This midsize cruiser has plenty of elbow room

  • This cruiser has plenty of options for comfortable family cruising
