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2021 June 1

Proper trimming goes beyond getting the telltales to fly and sheeting until it stops luffing

If music is how we feel math, then sailing is how we live physics. And sail trim, like playing an instrument, is our touchpoint with the medium. In fact, apart from steering a sailboat, which is one o
2021 May 28

Table of contents

Features  Passage to nowhere John Kretschmer discovers a new way to do sail-training passages by making seafall instead of landfall Where waka and wild meetNew Zealand’s America’
2021 April 1

A backyard charter off Santa Barbara, California, is the perfect ‘coastal distancing’ cruise

The afternoon sail had been brisk, slicing through the cobalt sea with a string of verdant islands to our south and dramatically rising mountains to the north. After heading back to our slip, we fresh
2021 April 1

Packing a ditch bag when you charter provides peace of mind for this happy group of sailors

We didn’t see the lone water bottle floating in the choppy seas as we departed Gallowsbay Harbor on the Caribbean island of St. Eustatius. Even if we had, we might not have realized it was attached
2021 April 1

Charter cruisers have been tied to the dock for the last year, but with travel restrictions easing as the pandemic wanes, the time is now to book your next charter. Charter companies are getting ready for a record season, with many experiencing a boom in

No. 10 Lake SuperiorThe deep blue waters of Lake Superior are best sailing in the summer months once the lake has warmed. There are miles of unspoiled wilderness to sail. Leaving from Bayfield, Wiscon
2021 April 1

A chartering pro visits the British Virgin Islands to get a firsthand look at how to navigate pandemic protocols. And it turns out it’s pretty easy.

The rugged beauty of The Baths is a popular BVI spot.When chartering is your job, sometimes you have to take one for the team. Such is the life of Josie Tucci, who is the vice president of sales and m
2021 April 1

Choosing the correct propeller will give you the best of all worlds for performance sailing, club racing, motor sailing or motoring

Should you ditch your fixed propeller? If your goal is to sail or motor to your destination more quickly, whether to the anchorage for cocktails or to your first waypoint on a passage, then a folding
2021 April 1

April/May 2021

Features  Charter with abandon Packing a ditch bag when you charter provides peace of mind Sailing the American Riviera A backyard charter off Santa Barbara, California, is the perf
2021 March 1
Iceboaters are used to rapidly changing conditions, be it close racing around a weather mark or switching regatta sites at the last minute because there’s a better piece of ice a few hours away. Whe
2021 March 1

Get the most life out of your canvas work with easy repairs you can do yourself

Canvas doesn’t last forever. UV rays, wind and regular wear take their toll on sail covers, biminis, dodgers and more. Replacement is an investment, but there’s a good chance your canvas work can
2021 March 1

March 2021

Features  Secrets of the San Juans The San Juan Islands are a treasure trove of unspoiled beauty good enough to make sailors want to keep some secrets The danger of deferred maintena
2021 March 1

Fixing little problems at fitting out time can prevent dangerous and expensive issue laters

Yacht surveyors have an interesting perspective on boat maintenance. They see what happens when a boat isn’t given the care it needs often leading to damage that requires expensive repair  and
2021 February 9

In the most extreme Cup ever sailed, a promising American challenge flops as a small fleet pushes the limits of technology

It was a scene that looked more like a futuristic movie than one from a sailing racecourse. Patriot, the New York Yacht Club’s AC75 challenging for the America’s Cup, bucked out of Auckland’s Ha
2021 January 1

Fresh out of college, a young couple found the boat they didn’t know they were looking for and set about on a major refit

When my husband Chris and I found Avocet, a 1979 Cheoy Lee 41, she was a sturdy, well-loved boat in need of the kind of care any nearly 40-year-old boat would require. Truth be told, it was not love a
2021 January 1

At first this liveboard couple feared the isolation of a pandemic lockdown, and then they embraced a new way of life and found the cruising lifestyle they dreamed of

Hundreds of miles from anything resembling a western city, in the lagoon of an uninhabited atoll in the South Pacific, our floating home, Agape, sat quietly in crystal clear turquoise water. As the re
2021 January 1

The monohull rules don’t necessarily apply to multihulls, so understand the difference before you set sail

There was a time when multihulls were enough of an oddity that they’d routinely turn some heads as they entered the harbor. Sailors have now embraced the many benefits of multihulls, and more and mo
2020 December 28

Table of Contents

Features  Keeping a legend sailing Two fathers and sons take on a pair of refits to bring new life to an 85-year-old classic Paradise bound, sanctuary found A liveaboard couple finds sol
2020 December 5

In the dark of the night in the far south Atlantic, Jean Le Cam, right, rescued fellow solo skipper, Kevin Escoffier, left, after his boat broke in two and sank in the Vendée Globe Race

"I need assistance. I am sinking. This is not a joke. MAYDAY.”That was the last message Kevin Escoffier was able to send from his foiling IMOCA 60 PRB before it sank in the  South Atlant
2020 December 1

Just 16 miles from San Diego, Mexico’s Coronado Islands are a perfect spot for a staycation cruise

Exotic destinations will always have their allure, but 2020 has been the year of the staycation. For landlubbers, it meant camping in the backyard, but for sailors it became the perfect excuse to beco

Perry on Design

  • A handsome cruiser has plenty of options

  • This midsize cruiser has plenty of elbow room

  • This cruiser has plenty of options for comfortable family cruising
